Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weeks 26-27

This week I conducted an exciting interview with an urban biologist. His name is Brett Johnson and he works at the Cedar Hill National Park near Granbury, Texas. My mentor and I made the long drive to the park in order to obtain the extremely important interview.

Mr. Johnson's job as an urban biologist means that he has extensive knowledge in the area I am researching regarding bobcats and coyotes. We explained how we are investigating the strange overpopulation of bobcats, coyotes and other forms of wildlife in the Frisco area, and he gave us his professional opinion on why the animals are there and what people should do in response to the phenomenon. Mr. Johnson explained that although Frisco is highly developed, it is filled with wildlife corridors, which are areas of refuge for wild animals. This could include creeks, wooded land, and undeveloped property. Due to these corridors, wildlife have no reason to leave the area. As of now, Frisco plans to keep many of the corridors in tact, so the wildlife will continue to live in the area. Due to the fact that these corridors are also small, the wildlife often have to venture out into neighborhoods in order to find food sources.

Meeting with Mr. Johnson was an incredible experience and incredibly beneficial to the story.

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