Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 29

This week I began catching up my portfolio, interviewed another individual for my final product, and completed some assessments.

Some of the successes we are having have been with the interviews. I have grown more comfortable conducting the interview without help from Mr. Trahan, and the opinions and ideas we have received will create a great story. We have also had success with logging the video because it has taught me how to work quickly and efficiently, while drawing out the quotes and ideas that are most prevalent to the story. 

A difficulty for me has been the “stand ups” Mr. Trahan has had me do. This is when you report into the camera in an introductory blurb. I have found it difficult because Mr. Trahan has me improvise the whole thing. I tend to use flowery language and long-winded sentences, especially when thinking on my feet. Mr. Trahan has been teaching me, however, that short, concise sentences are better because it makes them easier to work with in a story. We have also had difficulty obtaining wildlife footage. Our story will be fine without it, but it would create a nice touch if we could include this footage. 

I am highly pleased with the way the product is progressing. My only regret is that there is not enough time for our story to go as in depth as we would like. But for the amount of time we have been given, we are making the best story possible.

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