Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 25

This week I submitted my Product Proposal and Calendar, learned how to log video footage at my mentor visit, and gave my Original Work Presentation.

The Product Proposal is a helpful tool in planning out the process of creating your final product and the steps you are going to take to get there. It includes sections covering:

  • Introduction and Statement of Purpose,
  • Review of Skills and Research,
  • Methodology,
  • Materials, and 
  • Conclusions.
The calendar is a helpful tool as well because it allows you to plan out exactly when each individual aspect of the product will be completed.

My Original Work Presentation went great as well! My opening was strong because I started with a story from one of my mission trips to Guatemala that explained why I am interesting in investigative journalism and global issues. Showing the videos produced by WFAA-TV that had to do with the research I found was awesome as well.

This week's mentor visit was very exciting as well. I learning the process of logging video footage, which is when you go through footage and locate key points and quotes that will benefit the final story. I logged the video footage we shot last week by myself and lobed every minute of it.

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