Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 10

ISM just keeps getting better and better. This week, I interviewed two investigative journalists from WFAA 8 in downtown Dallas. I also gained valuable contacts for possible future interviews and completed interview assessments.

Having interviews at a TV station was a new and exciting experience. The journalism jobs there are similar to those at newspapers, but instead of finding information and making it interesting enough to read, the TV stations have to make it interesting enough to grab the attention of viewers, as well as keeping it incredibly concise due to the limited amount of time to air.

I was given the incredible opportunity to interview Jasan Trahan, a man who was an investigative journalist with The Dallas Morning News for several years and now works with Channel 8 News. He obviously loves his job and had great advice for the future,

I also interviewed Byron Harris, arguably the best investigative reporter in the nation. He has covered stories including the Russian mafia, tensions in the Congo, and Area 51. He has won six duPonts, the TV version of a Pulitzer Prize, and has been arrested for unwillingness to give up his camera. The difference he has made for this country, as well as for countries around the world, inspires me to continue down this incredible path.

Speaking with these two individuals helped me see that I may be more interested in the TV side of reporting that the newspapers, due to the high amounts of energy and action within the field.

Interview with Investigative Journalist Byron Harris from WFAA 8. 

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