Friday, November 7, 2014

Week 11

This week in ISM was great. I was able to get caught up on assignments, specifically interview assessments. I also wrote thank you notes for my most recent interviews and contacted several new professionals. The ISM program is incredible in that it allows students to learn professional skills in every sense, including common courtesy.

This week I also contacted several professionals about possible interviews. I am now scheduled for an interview with a member of the project team at the Dallas Morning News next Tuesday. The project team handles the investigative work at the paper, so I am delighted to have this incredible experience.

I have also contacted professionals at FOX and WFAA, and I am hoping to gain interviews there as well. I have already had six interviews, however, and I am only required to have five. Since I have time though, I want to get as many as possible before deciding on a mentor.

Last year, interviews were one of my favorite parts of the program, because you are able to hear so many different perspectives on differnt areas of the field. That is why I am hoping to accomplish as many as possible this year within the field of investigative journalism.

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