Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 9

This week in the Independent Study and Mentorship Program, I was able to complete my display board plan which will encompass the main points of my topic. It may change before the end of the year, but it gives me a good starting place to jump off from.

I also scheduled two interviews at WFAA 8 in downtown Dallas. These will take place next week, with investigative journalists. I can't wait! 

I also completed interview assessments for my second and third interviews. It was fun to look back at them a few weeks later to see what I've learned since then and how wise the individuals were. I still can't believe that I interviewed a man who has written several books, won a Pulitzer Prize, and covered the take down of Saddam Hussein. This is what makes ISM so cool.

I also confirmed plans with professors at the University of North Texas for our class's field trip next month. I will be attending two classes and conducting an interview with one of the professors.

My next goals in ISM include getting caught up on interview assessments, re-contacting professionals I haven't heard back from, and continuing to research the field in depth.

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