Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 8

Another fantastic week has come and gone in the ISM program. I began contacting professors at UNT about our class's upcoming visit, so that I will be able to  meet with them in person. I also had a second interview at the Dallas Morning News Headquarters in Dallas. This was an incredible experience. The week ended on a high note as I turned in a research assessment and interview assessment as well.

My interview was with William Pry, a member of the digital team and a production owner at the Dallas Morning News. He gave me an extensive tour of the newsroom and the other areas on the third floor. I was able to see where the investigative team works, where the news station films, where magazines are created, where old pictures are kept, and much more. He explained his extensive experience in various aspects within the field of journalism and gave me advice about how to enter the field. One of the main concepts Mr. Pry drove home as we talked was the importance of instinct, curiosity and critical thinking. He explained that while being able to write is completely necessary, one can not become a successful journalist without these character traits. My interview with Mr. Pry was a fantastic experience, and I definitely see myself coming to him for advice in the future.

I also completed a research assessment on Friday, in which I researched the foundation of investigative journalism. As it turns out, investigative journalism gained its reputation in the investigation of the Watergate Scandal. Up until then, it had little to no reputation, but when journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncovered the horrifying corruption within the White House, the United States realized the significance of this field.

I am looking forward to future interviews at the Dallas Morning News and research the field further.

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