Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 9

This week in the Independent Study and Mentorship Program, I was able to complete my display board plan which will encompass the main points of my topic. It may change before the end of the year, but it gives me a good starting place to jump off from.

I also scheduled two interviews at WFAA 8 in downtown Dallas. These will take place next week, with investigative journalists. I can't wait! 

I also completed interview assessments for my second and third interviews. It was fun to look back at them a few weeks later to see what I've learned since then and how wise the individuals were. I still can't believe that I interviewed a man who has written several books, won a Pulitzer Prize, and covered the take down of Saddam Hussein. This is what makes ISM so cool.

I also confirmed plans with professors at the University of North Texas for our class's field trip next month. I will be attending two classes and conducting an interview with one of the professors.

My next goals in ISM include getting caught up on interview assessments, re-contacting professionals I haven't heard back from, and continuing to research the field in depth.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 8

Another fantastic week has come and gone in the ISM program. I began contacting professors at UNT about our class's upcoming visit, so that I will be able to  meet with them in person. I also had a second interview at the Dallas Morning News Headquarters in Dallas. This was an incredible experience. The week ended on a high note as I turned in a research assessment and interview assessment as well.

My interview was with William Pry, a member of the digital team and a production owner at the Dallas Morning News. He gave me an extensive tour of the newsroom and the other areas on the third floor. I was able to see where the investigative team works, where the news station films, where magazines are created, where old pictures are kept, and much more. He explained his extensive experience in various aspects within the field of journalism and gave me advice about how to enter the field. One of the main concepts Mr. Pry drove home as we talked was the importance of instinct, curiosity and critical thinking. He explained that while being able to write is completely necessary, one can not become a successful journalist without these character traits. My interview with Mr. Pry was a fantastic experience, and I definitely see myself coming to him for advice in the future.

I also completed a research assessment on Friday, in which I researched the foundation of investigative journalism. As it turns out, investigative journalism gained its reputation in the investigation of the Watergate Scandal. Up until then, it had little to no reputation, but when journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncovered the horrifying corruption within the White House, the United States realized the significance of this field.

I am looking forward to future interviews at the Dallas Morning News and research the field further.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 7

As it is the beginning of the second grading period of the school year, we focused on new learning targets and plans for the upcoming six weeks in the Independent Study and Mentorship Program this week. I will be conducting more interviews and research throughout the next six weeks, as well as getting a more extensive idea of my plans for the rest of the course.

I also had an interview on Friday with Mr. Pederson, the Head of the Journalism Department at the Southern Methodist University. It was a fantastic experience. Mr. Pederson has an extensive background in journalism as he has worked for many years with multiple newspapers and is now a professor in the field.  He gave a tour of the journalism department at SMU, showing me the incredible equipment that students are able to use there. He also explained that while the field of journalism on paper may be shrinking, the field on the Internet has never been larger. The field of journalism simply needs to find a way to monetize the articles being shared online.

Conducting interviews with professionals in the field of journalism has been a fantastic way to gain information about the field that makes it seem personal, as well as easier to remember. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 6

Another awesome week has come and gone in the Frisco High ISM program. I have continued to research colleges and careers centered around investigative journalism and have continued searching for professionals within the field to interview.

The most exciting part of the week, however, was the ISM Business Symposium on Friday. This is an event in which 60 professionals from around the Dallas area meet with ISM students to discuss their fields and share professional advice. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that although this was my second symposium to be a part of, as an ISM 2 student, I still gained incredible advice and had a fantastic time. The main point of the symposium is to help the ISM students grow professional skills in the interview setting. The professionals I spoke with told me that my confidence, responses and manners were all strong, but I needed to remove filler words. I plan to follow this advice in upcoming interviews within and outside of the ISM program.

Another fantastic part of the symposium was the opportunity to talk to ISM students from other schools. It was greatly encouraging and inspiring to hear about the goals, dreams and plan of other motivated high school students. At this age, peers typically focus on less important topics, and it is highly unusual to hear the true heart of an individual. Hearing from them gave me excitement about my generation's future, as well as motivation to continue pursuing my own goals.

After the symposium, I was given the opportunity, along with three other ISM students from the district, to attend lunch with and personally thank the professionals who attended the symposium. It was extremely considerate of these individuals to take time off work in order to help young entrepreneurs on their journeys to change the world.

The ISM Business Symposium was an unforgettable experience. I could not be more thankful for the time and advice of the professionals.