Friday, September 19, 2014

Week 4

This week in ISM I wrote my first research assessment, submitted a rough draft of my resume and began contacting professionals in the field of journalism to ask about interviews.

My assessment this week covered the debate over the definition of investigative journalism. Some professionals believe that investigative journalism refers to any type of journalism that is used to uncover obscure facts, including celebrity news all the way up to current events in oppressive countries. Others believe that investigative journalism requires a specific and thorough process and must serve a noble purpose. I do not know where I stand on the issue at this point, but I am looking forward to asking the professionals that I interview about their opinions on the matter.

Making a resume this week was also interesting, as I have learned that it is important to focus on what professionals will find most impressive about my academic and extracurricular activities. Having already completed a resume for ISM last year, as well as several for college applications, it was not hard to make one that would fit for my journey in ISM this year.

I also sent out seventeen requests for interviews from professionals in the field. This includes Dallas Morning News editorial writers and staff, freelance journalists, and reporters and journalists from Fox 4 and WFAA 8. I have corresponded with two of these professionals and have officially set up two interviews for the coming weeks. I can hardly wait for other professionals to reply!

Having typed a research paper, created a resume, contacted seventeen professionals and set up two interviews, I am happy to say that this was an extremely productive and exciting week in ISM.

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