Sunday, September 7, 2014

Weeks 1 & 2

The first two weeks of school and in ISM have been crazy!

So far, we have learned the ropes of the course for the year, learned how to set up our weekly blogs, started using the FISD Student Learning Hub, where we can see and submit all of our assignments, learned about what does and does not constitute professional dress, given introduction speeches and begun on our individual assignments.

So far, I have submitted my mission statement and quote for the course, 15 generic interview questions to build off of in my interviews, and my career outlook assessment.

My mission statement, which outlines my desires and goals for this year in ISM is:
Through the course of the Independent Study and Mentorship Program, I desire to investigate and obtain a deeper understanding of the field of investigative journalism. In this process, I am motivated to become more proficient in research and writing, and I desire to make a contribution to society through a research article that brings corruption to light.

My quote for the year is, "Greater love has none than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15 :13.

I am very excited to see what this year has in store and what I can accomplish!

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