Monday, May 18, 2015

Week 36

This week I finally finished my Final Product! My mentors from Channel 8 News, Investigative Reporter Byron Harris and Investigative Producer Jason Trahan, made it possible.

At the beginning of the week, our story was planned out, we had audio, and all we needed to do was put everything together and film the intro and tag. The intro and tag are the parts of the story filmed in the news headquarters as an intro and conclusion to the story. The package is the story itself.

We ran into a small hiccup however. Somehow, my audio file was deleted from the file at Channel 8 News database, and I had to go down to the news station on Tuesday night to record it again. Everything worked out, however, and the package, the body of the story, was ready by my mentor visit on Thursday.

On Thursday we filmed the into and tag of my story, and left it with the editor to put everything together. He was a great help in the completion of our project because he put everything together for us.

The story run about six minutes and reveals several months of work. I am extremely proud of all that we accomplished this year.

Click here to view the story

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