Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 33

The Independent Study and Mentoship Program is amazing and has been rolling right along. This week we began preparation from writing the story. Byron Harris showed me some scripts from previous stories he has written and explained the basics of the writing process.

When writing a story, it is important to define the point you are trying to make. It is easy to get lost because numerous interview can sometimes cloud and change your idea of what you are trying to write about. Bryon Harris explained the process of creating a "three-word slug" which will define everything you are trying to encompass in the story. This is the incredibly important first step because it helps you decide what direction the story is going to take, what quotes are most important, and how you will begin writing.

Another important step is to look at all the interview footage you have gained, finding the quotes and sound bites that will be most influential to the story.

Once you have a basic idea of the story's flow and direction, it is vital to create the most attention-grabbing and riveting first seven seconds you possibly can. In order for the audience to be hooked, you have to reach out of the television and grab their absolute attention in the first seven seconds. Otherwise, they will continue flipping through the channels without a second thought.

Creating a strong metaphor that can be utilized throughout a story is also an important tool. Metaphors can bring ideas to life and help the viewer truly understand the topic. They are a good way to give a story continuity by relating to the metaphor again and again.

The brainstorming has begun, and I can't wait to see where this story goes.

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