Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 33

The Independent Study and Mentoship Program is amazing and has been rolling right along. This week we began preparation from writing the story. Byron Harris showed me some scripts from previous stories he has written and explained the basics of the writing process.

When writing a story, it is important to define the point you are trying to make. It is easy to get lost because numerous interview can sometimes cloud and change your idea of what you are trying to write about. Bryon Harris explained the process of creating a "three-word slug" which will define everything you are trying to encompass in the story. This is the incredibly important first step because it helps you decide what direction the story is going to take, what quotes are most important, and how you will begin writing.

Another important step is to look at all the interview footage you have gained, finding the quotes and sound bites that will be most influential to the story.

Once you have a basic idea of the story's flow and direction, it is vital to create the most attention-grabbing and riveting first seven seconds you possibly can. In order for the audience to be hooked, you have to reach out of the television and grab their absolute attention in the first seven seconds. Otherwise, they will continue flipping through the channels without a second thought.

Creating a strong metaphor that can be utilized throughout a story is also an important tool. Metaphors can bring ideas to life and help the viewer truly understand the topic. They are a good way to give a story continuity by relating to the metaphor again and again.

The brainstorming has begun, and I can't wait to see where this story goes.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 32

It was another exciting week in the Independent Study and Mentorship Program. 

This week I visited the WFAA-TV (Channel 8) headquarters in downtown Dallas. Jason Trahan, one of my mentors, was not there because he had a project to work on. My other mentor, investigative reporter Byron Harris, looked over my portfolio while I was logging video footage. The video footage I was logging was from my interview with Janet Evans Webb last week. 

Logging the video was very exciting because I realized that my mentor had taken several incredible panning shots of nature in Frisco. He also took shots of a construction site nearby, which will be very helpful in describing the urbanization of Frisco. 

While Byron Harris looked over my portfolio, we also discussed the fact that he went to George Washington University for grad school. We talked about what it is like to like in Washington D.C. and if the benefits of going to George Washington outweigh those of going to The University of Texas at Austin. Byron also explained that being in DC is an incredible opportunity because of everything you will be able to see. He was there during the Watergate Scandal and was able to see the importance of investigative journalism first hand. 

This was an awesome visit because it has helped me continue to define my journey for the future.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 31

It was another great week in the Independent Study and Mentorship Program. One of the major highlights was the fantastic interview we had on Thursday. Jason and I interviewed Ms. Janet Evans Webb, a Frisco resident running for the Frisco City Council, about her position on the wildlife issue. 

It was great to hear the perspective of a woman who believes that the city has not done enough to protect the wildlife in the area. Ms. Evans Webb is a prime example of someone who recognizes a problem and is doing everything she can to make a difference. During our discussion, we talked about the new Walmart that is being build on beautiful land in the area, the exciting side of seeing wildlife in the area, and the damage that has been done to their habitats. 

Ms. Evans Webb's main point throughout our discussion was that the wildlife was here first. We have invaded their land so it is only natural that they should still be around. She adamantly desires that Frisco take more tangible steps to protect the nature and wildlife in the Frisco area.

At this point, we have had interviews with a resident who is frustrated with the lack of government regulation on wildlife, an expert urban wildlife biologist who knows the facts behind why wildlife is highly present in Frisco, a neighborhood director who deals with the wildlife issues when they arise in her neighborhoods, and a woman who adamantly believes that the city should take better care of the wildlife in the area. We have the foundation for our story and now we just need to fill in the gaps and piece it all together.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week 30

It was another exciting week in the Independent Study and Mentorship Program. I feel like my final product is finally coming together.

Over the course of the week, I worked on updating my portfolio, got caught up on assignments, planned ahead, and visited WFAA-TV headquarters.

During our mentor visit, Mr. Trahan and I discussed future plans for the Final Product. Everything is coming along nicely and we should be able to produce a great story.

Unfortunately the video logs I took during several of my mentor visits have disappeared. So I will have to complete those again, but this will give me more practice. We are looking to conduct at least one more interview, and up to three more. This will allow our story to cover an issue from all angles. I can not wait to see how everything turns out.

One thing I will need to figure out very soon is how to get footage of wildlife for the story. I have a goPro that would be absolutely perfect, but I will need to find a way to spy on wildlife or bring it to me. One of my dad's suggestions was using one of his hunting calls to call in bobcats and coyotes and gather footage that way. I am excited to see how this will unfold.

I am very excited to start writing the story once we have obtained our last crucial interview next week.