Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 23

This week I had my first interview! It was such an incredible experience. My mentors and I have started a project, which will be my final product, in which we are creating a story about the wildlife in Frisco. We are investigating the effects urbanization has had on wildlife in the area and how the animals have reacted. My attention came to this subject because Frisco, although it is an incredibly urban area, has struggled for many years with wild animals appearing at random times and terrorizing pets and neighborhoods.

We fear that this problem could have emerged due to a lack of planning when Frisco was designed. Less and less nature remains in Frisco, and we are concerned about what is going to happen to the animals once all the wilderness is gone.

We interviewed a woman on Friday whose pet rabbit was eaten by a bobcat that came over her eight-foot privacy fence and into her yard. Her perspective on the issue was incredible, and it was beneficial to see the damage the wildlife can inflict.

We are planning on conducting at least three more interviews in order to look at the situation from as many views as possible.

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