Monday, January 5, 2015

Weeks 16 and 17

In the past two weeks, I have accomplished quite a bit in the Independent Study and Mentorship Program.

The most important and exciting event of the two weeks was the ISM Research Showcase, which took place on Tuesday, December 16th. On that night, all the ISM students in Frisco ISD came together at Heritage High School and presented our display boards and portfolios, showing what we have accomplished so far this year. The event was less stressful than I anticipated, mainly due to the fact that I had already experienced the Research Showcase last year. The night was still incredibly beneficial and exciting, however, as I was given the opportunity to proudly display all that I have accomplished this year. I also ended up talking with several people who had experience or connections in the field of journalism, and hearing their advice and stories was great.

I have also asked a lady to be my mentor. I have not heard back from her, however, and will have to wait till she responds. I will be delighted if she says that she can do it, but if she cannot, I have plenty of other fantastic contacts that would be wonderful mentors as well.

The next step in my ISM journey will be getting my visual presentation up-to-date and giving the research speech, as well as beginning my original work.

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