Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 14

This week in ISM I completed my Original Work Proposal, had my showcase invitations printed and distributed, completed my display board, and had an interview with a female investigative journalist from The Dallas Morning News.

The Original Work is the second biggest assignment in ISM. It is a way to provide information or research on your topic and make a difference in society in the process. For my Original Work, I am going to complete a research/investigative article on the Ebola crisis in Dallas covering why the problem became so dramatic and how Dallas could have handled the situation more competently. Hopefully I will be able to have my article published in The Dallas Morning News.

My interview at The Dallas Morning News was an incredible experience. It was the first time I was able to interview a female investigative journalist, and hearing her unique perspective on the field and how she got there was amazing. 

I also completed my display board this week. The board will be on display at the Research Showcase and Final Presentation Night. It is a great way to grab the attention of attendees and start in depth conversations about investigative journalism.  

My display board

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